Saturday 13 September 2014

A brand is a "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's good or service as distinct from those of other sellers." Branding provides a definition to the tangible and intangible aspects of a product. In terms of an easier understanding, the way a person is defined in terms of personality, the product is defined through its brand. Anything becomes a brand only when people attach some value to it and when it becomes a part of their lives.

Twenty-five years after Nestle brought Maggi instant noodles to India, Nestle extended the brand to ready-to-eat pasta. It has come out with Maggi Nutri-licious (nutritious and delicious) Pazzta. Maggi has been already an established brand in India, thus it was easy to create a brand name for its pasta.
Brand elements
Logo, packaging and labeling
Logo, packaging and labeling plays an extremely important role in the marketing of a product or service. A product/service is identified by its labeling and packaging. The packaging and labeling should be done in a way that it appeals to the targeted customers and should speak for the product itself.
The logo, packaging and labeling of Maggi Pazzta is similar to as of those other maggi products. This is done to aesthetically associate pasta with noodles and other similar maggi products. All the products under the brand maggi use similar kind of visual appeal that is the colors, styles and fonts. This ensures that customers could easily identify a maggi product among competitors.
Maggi tweaked its tagline for the exclusivity of pasta, which says  “Taste Bhi, Health Bhi... Khushiyan Bhi” . Khushiyan bhi was added as an extra element to distinguish maggi pazzta from maggi noodles.
Brand Name:
  • Distinct brand name ‘Maggi Nutri-licious Pazzta’ .
  • Gives a sense of trust and consistency owing to the brand reputation of Maggi.
  • The name is representative of the larger territory of operations under Maggi and hence, establish clear lines in this regard.

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